Alright, alright…I wasn’t the very last person to cross the finish line.
I was the last in my division. And the second-to-last male. And seventh-to-last overall.
Impressive, right?!
Ok, so here’s what really happened. A few months ago I signed Julie and I up to do this 5k on Thanksgiving with a group of friends. Plenty of time to train and get back into shape for it. I’ve done a bunch of 5ks before. Well, I’m not exaggerating when I tell you I didn’t train for a single day. Not one day. Not one walk. Not one sit-up. Not one lunge. Nothing.
We decided to do it anyway, even though we knew we’d have to walk and it was super cold. And I’m glad we did. A couple friends brought their kiddos and we just walked and had a good time. Mostly. It was funny and we did walk three miles and I’m totally glad we did it, but…
It also signaled a turning point for me. I need to get back into shape. Big time.
To that end, I just joined a program my friend Carlos Whittaker created called Fit By First.
It’s the perfect time for it, too. Right after Thanksgiving, heading towards Christmas and the New Year.
We start December 1st and I’d love if you joined me. Maybe you’re healthy and just want to do something different. Maybe you’re like me and you need something to jumpstart your health journey.
Check it out and let me know if you join. We’re all in this together!
And I plan to improve my 5k time for my next race.
*crosses fingers*

This is where I finished nationally and it’s HILARIOUS.