Check these things out (working on this).
- April Lockhart – Amazing young, singer-songwriter.
- Below Elbow
- Born Just Right
- Friends of Stub
- Haitian Amputee Coalition
- Hanger Prosthetics and Orthotics
- Healing Hands for Haiti
- Helping Hands Foundation
- iamviable – Tons of stories and resources.
- Jim Abbott – One-handed pitcher in MLB for 11 years, threw a no-hitter for the Yankees, now a motivational speaker who inspires everyone that meets him.
- Josh Sundquist – Author. Speaker. Paralympian. Has one leg and makes funny videos.
- My Special Hand
- NubAbility Athletics – Excellent non-profit with a focus on helping young people with limb differences become the best athletes they can be.
- OneArmed – Alex is an amazing musician who lost his left arm to cancer. Checkout his awesome videos!
- OneArmGirl – This blog explores the upside of disability.
- One Good Leg
- One Little Fin
- Other Hand Designs
- Sammy’s Friends – A wonderful community with TONS of resources.
- SuperHands – Read the stories of children born with amniotic band syndrome (ABS) and other upper limb differences, and the heroes who have overcome their challenges to lead happy, successful lives! Lots of links to other resources here, too.
- Stream of Caitlinness – Caitlin is one-armed and awesome. She even says so.
- Straight Talk – We have been married for 16 years, and have been blessed with SIX amazing children. These are stories about our adventures as a family serving our King!
- Tony Memmel – Incredible singer-songwriter.
Hi! I am an occupational therapist and have a student with one arm. He does everything very well, except for cutting paper and writing. Do you have any suggestions or know of any good resources you can lead me to?
Good afternoon.
Is he left handed? If so, buy some left handed scissors. They have the blade on the correct side to see where we cut and if they have a shaped handle they will hurt the hand far less.
I am without a hand on my dominant arm. My writing was rather dodgy until I was about 21 and I had a light globe moment that I could do better. I needed to teach myself to form each letter more precisely. My writing is still dodgy if it is just for me but I can form the letters well when I am writing for others to read. Perhaps this goes to a strength thing.
Best wishes to both of you.
Thank you for this awesome page! A friend of mine also just told me about this opera singer. You might like to add him to your list. He sometimes performs without his prosthetic, as here:
There a tap dancer that is a cancer survivor and had to have one lef ambutated :
He was recently on ellen and he auditoned for idol last season but didnt get though even though he has a good voice
I am looking for singers that might be interested in partnering with me in the California Bay Area to record videos and songs played using RoboTar. If you played guitar and lost the ability due to stroke or injury or thought you could never play guitar because it wasn’t an option with one arm, then check us out and please reach out to me with questions!
This looks awesome, Kevin!
Thanks Ryan. I think so too, but I’m biased. I am about ready to ship RoboTars to 3 new users including a 22 year old girl who recently lost her arm due to tissue cancer in her arm. I’ve heard her sing and she has a beautiful voice. I can’t wait to hear what she does with RoboTar.
That’s so awesome, Kevin!
Hi everyone,
I wanted to bring the organization I volunteer with to your attention: e-NABLE. We design and fabricate 3D printed prosthetic hands and a couple of arm designs as well. The team at Creighton University who created the Cyborg Beast hand and is developing an arm for it are members of our group. Dr. Albert Chi at Johns Hopkins Hospital has also joined our group and we had a conference at the hospital in September. We’re always looking for ways to connect with those who would benefit from our designs. On a personal note I’m close to someone who is mostly paralyzed on the left side, so is functionally one-handed. Our designs don’t serve him. I’ve started designing 3D printable things to make one-handed life easier. Which of the above resources would you point me to so I can see what aids are already out there and be inspired by them? A google search resulted in a bunch of websites with overpriced products.
Hi! My brother recently lost his left arm in an accident and is struggling with washing his hand. He can’t rub his fingers on his left arm because he is still bandaged up. Is there any suggestions or products that may help him better with washing his hand, it’s become pretty important to him. I would really appreciate an email at if someone has any suggestions for me.