How To Shovel And Use A Snow Blower One-Handed

January 23, 2012 — 7 Comments

Let’s get this out of the way right at the beginning: Shoveling stinks.

And I get the sense that rings true no matter how many limbs you have.

I’ve never in my life, though, adapted a shovel to “work better” for me.  I’ve always just used what’s available.  In what is becoming a fairly obvious theme (to me), I just cleared snow however I could.  I never thought about having one hand or having to do it differently than anyone else; I just did it how I did it…yo.

And as far as the snow blower goes, I’m pretty sure I’ve only used it about five times.  Ever.  I think the video reflects that accurately.

Getting a little technical for a minute: Both of these activities (shoveling and using a snow blower) cause me physical pain.  My back hurts from bending over awkwardly and my wrist hurts badly while snow blowing.  Snow blowing is actually worse (of the two) because I’m bent weirdly and my wrist hurts from guiding the entire machine.  I fully realize there are other ways to do it, but here’s the thing…

I live in a condo.  People shovel my driveway for me.


(The driveway and snow blower in the video belong to my in-laws.)


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I'm a husband, a father, an author, a speaker, a friend...all kinds of things, actually.

7 responses to How To Shovel And Use A Snow Blower One-Handed

  1. you’re silly. =)

    i think the bend-y shovels are designed to be helpful if you can let your front hand be a [relatively] stationary pivot point and your back hand provide the force that seesaws the snow up, but that’s just not going to work for you.

    was it mike libby who had that shovel/wheelbarrow hybrid thing? something like that would probably be the most efficient and back-saving snow removal apparatus for you…that is, if there’s ever a point where you don’t have either condo people or a strapping young son to take care of it. =)

  2. What a way to use how God made you – love it!

    I came to your blog from Jon Acuff’s site. He has created a tremendous forum for sharing our blogs and impacting more people with them.

    I hope my blog can be an encouragement to you also.

    I write it for encouragement and motivation daily.

    Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to watching the connections grow!

  3. You are a fun guy, Ryan .. and wise beyond your years too, I suspect.

    Bet, truth be known, you really enjoyed the snowblower 🙂

    Suspect clearing snow with either shovel could cause you long-term physicsl damage inj years to come .. so do allow friends or your family to do it for you, please.

  4. Hi Ryan,
    I found your site a few weeks ago and love reading your articles. Born without my right hand and wear a few different prosthesises. I love options!
    Shoveled with and without my prosthesis in this weeks crazy storm so my dog would go out. He is a pain when it comes to any kind of weather! Definitely harder on the back without but doable.
    I love knowing I’m not alone in the universe

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