Judith Caseley: Podcasting One-Handed EP8

December 1, 2013 — 2 Comments

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A while back I got a text from my friend Erin.

Erin is an elementary school teacher and she had just read a book called Harry and Willy and Carrothead with one of her students.  She thought I would like it.

She was right.


When I saw her text, I was like, “How have I not heard of this book?!”  Well, author and illustrator Judith Caseley wrote Harry and Willy and Carrothead back in 1991, so I was fourteen at the time.  Mystery solved.  Briefly, the book is about a boy, Harry, who was born with one hand, just like me.  His friend, Oscar, has red hair and Willy decides to tease him about it.  The cover kind of gives away how things turn out.  I love it.  In fact, I read it again to my kids and some of my nephews at Thanksgiving and they all sat in rapt attention, smiles on their faces.

Shortly after I got the book for myself, I “pulled a Ryan” and emailed Judith to tell her how much I loved it.  She replied soon after and we have since become friends, which is incredible.  A couple months ago she graciously agreed to be interviewed and I’ve finally finished editing our conversation!

This podcast is a little different than the others I’ve done in that, it’s more of an actual conversation.  Much of it was, frankly, only interesting to me, so I’ve edited it down to the parts I think will interest you!  She tells about the inspiration for Harry’s story, her experience with people with disabilities and some about writing good stories.  She’s awesome and I think you’ll love it!


With the holidays coming, Harry and Willy and Carrothead is a PERFECT gift for kids or your kids’ school or your public library…the list goes on and on.  🙂


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I'm a husband, a father, an author, a speaker, a friend...all kinds of things, actually.

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  1. 2013 Holiday Gift Guide | Living One-Handed2013 Holiday Gift Guide - November 30, 2014

    […] Caseley, who I had the privilege to interview recently, wrote Harry and Willy and Carrothead in 1991. Harry was born with one hand, like me. […]

  2. One Handed Holiday Gift Guide | Living One-HandedHoliday Gift Guide - November 23, 2015

    […] Caseley, who I had the privilege to interview recently, wrote Harry and Willy and Carrothead in 1991. Harry was born with one hand, like me. […]

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