Today I surprised my good friend, Stacy.
She was sitting down at church and I went over to give her a hug. As I was standing behind her, I leaned down and put my right hand on her right shoulder and my left arm on her left shoulder and gave a little squeeze. She reached up to reciprocate and as her hand reached the end of my left arm, her brows furrowed in confusion. Then I saw her smile as she remembered what was happening and she patted my arm. It was adorable.
“I totally forgot about your arm!” she told me later. Which is funny because I’ve known Stacy for nearly a decade. She’s “Auntie Stacy” to my kids and my wife’s best friend. I count her as one of the most important people in my life. So, that little moment of surprise made me smile like crazy.
Later in the same service, I was standing next to my wife and I was caught off-guard by her beauty. This is the woman I’ve been in love with for over 15 years and still…those eyes. That crinkly-nosed smile. Go ahead and throw-up if you want to. I know it’s mushy, but I can’t help it. She’s beautiful. It’s shameful that I take it for granted so often, but it makes these moments where I realize how blessed I an even more powerful.
It’s so easy to miss these little surprises we run across every day. We get too busy and stressed and subsequently ignore the moments that would bring us joy. Let’s not do that. Sound good?
My kids supply these moments of surprise every dang day. For instance, my youngest, Claire, asked me the other day, “Daddy, how do you spell ‘eek’?” I told her how to spell it and she turned back to the table to write it down, but before she began she turned back and asked again, “How do you spell it in a high pitched voice?” IS THAT NOT THE MOST BRILLIANT QUESTION EVER ASKED? Seriously…amazing. My son Sam wrote a rap about “keeping Christ in Christmas” and then made trumpet noises during the “rap parts” of Flo Rida’s “Good Feeling.” Both of those things surprised me. Then my daughter Anna punched me in the gut and yelled “POUND IT!” as she ran by. Ok, that one wasn’t as cute, albeit still surprising.
My point here is that we all come across little surprises every day. When we recognize them and appreciate them, our lives are better. That’s it.
So, let’s not miss ’em.
What little surprise has made you smile recently?