How To Do A Cartwheel With One Hand

August 10, 2012 — 3 Comments

I’m no Gabby Douglas.

Even when I was a much more nimble boy, gymnastics didn’t interest me.  Just never much of a tumbler or a hand-springer, if you will.

That said, I would like to present to you this one-handed cartwheel instructional video.


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I'm a husband, a father, an author, a speaker, a friend...all kinds of things, actually.

3 responses to How To Do A Cartwheel With One Hand

  1. Last night we were at a party and a bunch of kids were doing cartwheels. I heard the 13 year old son of my husband’s co-worker whisper to his mom “that one handed kid is doing the best cartwheels of them all! that’s amazing!” 🙂

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